Productivity & Production Analysis
Semi/Nonparametric Econometrics
Spatial and Panel Data Methods
Quantile and Modal Regressions
Climate Economics
Structural IO
Hedonic Valuation
Papers & Work in Progress
Geography of Climate Change Adaptation in U.S. Agriculture
with J. Zhang, R. Miao & P. Ghosh, 2024
Estimating Production Functions using Costs when Outputs are Restricted
with S. Zhao, S.C. Kumbhakar & D.H. Bernstein, 2024
On the Estimation of Nonneutral Production Technologies without Separability
with S. Zhao & S.C. Kumbhakar, 2024
Most Likely Effects of Climate Change
with J. Zhang & R. Miao, coming soon
IT Resources and Barriers in Achieving EHR Interoperability
with H.-f. Hu, A. Krishen & R. Raschke, 2024
Distributional Effects of the Increasing Heat Incidence on Labor Productivity
with J. Zhang & R. Miao, Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, 2024, 125: 102998 [working paper]
with S. Zhao and J. Zhang, Advances in Econometrics, 2024, 46: 211-263 [working paper]
On the Estimation of Cross-Firm Productivity Spillovers with an Application to FDI [Online Appendix]
with S. Zhao, Review of Economics & Statistics, 2023, 105(5): 1207-1223 [previously circulated under the title "Cross-Firm Productivity Spillovers in the Presence of Foreign Investments," working paper]
Off-Balance Sheet Activities and Scope Economies in U.S. Banking
with J. Zhang, Journal of Banking & Finance, 2022, 141: 106534 [working paper]
with J. Zhang, S. Zhao and S.C. Kumbhakar, Journal of Operations Management, 2022, 68(2): 153-184 [previously circulated under the title "Locational Heterogeneity in Production," working paper]
Proxy Variable Estimation of Multi-Product Production Functions [Online Appendix]
with G. Lien, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2021, 103(5): 1878-1902 [previously circulated under the title "Structural Estimation of Multi-Product Production Functions and Productivity," working paper]
Distributional & Temporal Heterogeneity in the Climate Change Effects on U.S. Agriculture [Online Appendix]
with R. Miao and J. Zhang, Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, 2020, 104: 102386 [working paper]
with S. Zhao and S.C. Kumbhakar​, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2020, 35(4): 457-480 [working paper]
Endogenous Dynamic Efficiency in the Intertemporal Optimization Models of Firm Behavior
with E.G. Tsionas and S.C. Kumbhakar​, European Journal of Operational Research, 2020, 284(1): 313-324 [working paper]
(Under)Mining Local Residential Property Values: A Semiparametric Spatial Quantile Autoregression
with Y. Sun and D. Hite, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2019, 34(1): 82-109 [previously circulated under the title "The Value-Undermining Effects of Rock Mining on Nearby Residential Property,", working paper]
Endogenous Scope Economies in Microfinance Institutions
with V. Hartarska, Journal of Banking & Finance, 2018, 93: 162-182 [working paper]
with Y. Sun, Journal of Econometrics, 2018, 203(2): 359-378 [working paper]
Heterogeneous Credit Union Production Technologies with Endogenous Switching and Correlated Effects
with D.A. Restrepo-Tobon and S.C. Kumbhakar, Econometric Reviews, 2018, 37(10): 1095-1119 [previously circulated under the title "Are All U.S. Credit Unions Alike? A Generalized Model of Heterogeneous Technologies with Endogenous Switching and Correlated Effects," working paper]
with E.G. Tsionas and S.C. Kumbhakar, European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 270(2): 747-760 [working paper]
Semiparametric Estimation and Testing of Smooth Coefficient Spatial Autoregressive Models [Online Appendix]
with Y. Sun, Journal of Econometrics, 2017, 199(1): 12-34 [working paper]
Economies of Diversification in the U.S. Credit Union Sector [Online Appendix]
with S. Zhao and S.C. Kumbhakar, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2017, 32(7): 1329-1347 [working paper]​
with S.C. Kumbhakar and E.G. Tsionas, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2016, 31(7): 1407-1429 [working paper]
Varying Coefficient Panel Data Model in the Presence of Endogenous Selectivity and Fixed Effects
with S.C. Kumbhakar and Y. Sun, Journal of Econometrics, 2016, 190(2): 233-251 [working paper]
Estimation of Input Distance Functions: A System Approach
with E.G. Tsionas & S.C. Kumbhakar, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2015, 97(5): 1478-1493 [working paper]
Detecting Learning by Exporting and from Exporters
with J. Zhang, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2023, 60: 1-19 [working paper]
Crop Insurance Premium Subsidy and Irrigation Water Withdrawals in the Western United States
with P. Ghosh and R. Miao, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, 2023, 48: 968-992
Product and Geographic Market Diversification in U.S. Banking [Online Appendix]
with J. Zhang and V. Hartarska, Finance Research Letters, 2021, 42: 101881 [working paper]
Smoothed LSDV Estimation of Functional-Coefficient Panel Data Models with Two-Way Fixed Effects
with S. Halder, Economics Letters, 2020, 192: 109239 [working paper, corrigendum]
Economies of Diversification in Microfinance: Evidence from Quantile Estimation on Panel Data
with V. Hartarska and R. Mersland, Finance Research Letters, 2020, 34: 101246 [working paper]
Nonparametric Estimates of the Clean and Dirty Energy Substitutability
with K. Sun and S.C. Kumbhakar, Economics Letters, 2018, 168: 118-122 [working paper]
A Hedonic Output Index based Approach to Modeling Polluting Technologies
with R. Bokusheva and S.C. Kumbhakar, Empirical Economics, 2018, 54(1): 287-308 [working paper]
Dynamic Responses to Oil Price Shocks: Conditional vs. Unconditional (A)symmetry [Online Appendix]
Economics Letters, 2016, 139: 31-35 [working paper]
How People Think about Distributing Aid
with N. Hassoun and N. Lubchenco, Philosophical Psychology, 2016, 29(7): 1029-1044
Bayesian Approach to Disentangling Technical and Environmental Productivity
with S.C. Kumbhakar and E.G. Tsionas, Econometrics, 2015, 3(2): 443-465 [working paper]
Estimation of Banking Technology under Credit Uncertainty
with D.A. Restrepo-Tobon and S.C. Kumbhakar, Empirical Economics, 2015, 49(1): 185-211 [working paper]
A Generalized Panel Data Switching Regression Model
with S.C. Kumbhakar, Economics Letters, 2014, 124(3): 353-357 [working paper]
A Second Look at Sticky Wholesale Gasoline Prices
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 2011, 36(3): 227-235
Firm Productivity, Heterogeneity and Exports
2017 mimeo (last revised 2020)
A Proportional Scale-Invariant Measurement of Heterogeneous Directional Distances to the Frontier
with E.G. Tsionas and D.A. Restrepo-Tobon, 2017 mimeo
Are the Job Flow Responses to Oil Price Shocks Asymmetric? [Appendix]
2012 mimeo (last revised 2015)