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Productivity & Production Analysis

Semi/Nonparametric Econometrics
Spatial and Panel Data Methods

Quantile and Modal Regressions

Climate Economics

Hedonic Valuation



Papers & Work in Progress

Geography of Climate Change Adaptation in U.S. Agriculture

with J. Zhang, R. Miao & P. Ghosh, 2024


On the Estimation of Nonneutral Production Technologies without Separability

with S. Zhao & S.C. Kumbhakar, 2024


Most Likely Effects of Climate Change

with J. Zhang & R. Miao, coming soon


IT Resources and Barriers in Achieving EHR Interoperability

with H.-f. Hu, A. Krishen & R. Raschke, 2024





On the Estimation of Cross-Firm Productivity Spillovers with an Application to FDI [Online Appendix]

with S. Zhao, Review of Economics & Statistics, 2023, 105(5): 1207-1223 [previously circulated under the title "Cross-Firm Productivity Spillovers in the Presence of Foreign Investments," working paper]


Estimating Production Functions using Costs when Outputs are Restricted

with S. Zhao, S.C. Kumbhakar & D.H. Bernstein, Econometric Reviews, forthcoming [working paper]


A System Approach to Structural Identification of Production Functions with Multiple-Dimensional Productivity

with S. Zhao and J. Zhang, Advances in Econometrics, 2024, 46: 211-263 [working paper]


Detecting Learning by Exporting and from Exporters

with J. Zhang, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2023, 60: 1-19 [working paper]


Accounting for Cross-Location Technological Heterogeneity in the Measurement of Operations Efficiency

with J. Zhang, S. Zhao and S.C. Kumbhakar, Journal of Operations Management, 2022, 68(2): 153-184 [previously circulated under the title "Locational Heterogeneity in Production," working paper]


​Proxy Variable Estimation of Multi-Product Production Functions [Online Appendix]

with G. Lien, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2021, 103(5): 1878-1902 [previously circulated under the title "Structural Estimation of Multi-Product Production Functions and Productivity," working paper]


​Estimation of Firm-Level Productivity in the Presence of Exports: Evidence from China's Manufacturing [Appendix

with S. Zhao and S.C. Kumbhakar​, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2020, 35(4): 457-480 [working paper]​​​​





​Distributional Effects of the Increasing Heat Incidence on Labor Productivity

with J. Zhang & R. Miao, Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, 2024, 125: 102998 [working paper]


Distributional & Temporal Heterogeneity in the Climate Change Effects on U.S. Agriculture [Online Appendix

with R. Miao and J. Zhang, Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, 2020, 104: 102386 [working paper]​​​​





Smoothed LSDV Estimation of Functional-Coefficient Panel Data Models with Two-Way Fixed Effects [Appendix]

with S. Halder, Economics Letters, 2020, 192: 109239 [working paper] [corrigendum]


(Under)Mining Local Residential Property Values: A Semiparametric Spatial Quantile Autoregression [Appendix]

with Y. Sun and D. Hite, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2019, 34(1): 82-109 [previously circulated under the title "The Value-Undermining Effects of Rock Mining on Nearby Residential Property,", working paper]


Estimation and Inference in Functional-Coefficient Spatial Autoregressive Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects

with Y. Sun, Journal of Econometrics, 2018, 203(2): 359-378 [working paper]​​​


Semiparametric Estimation and Testing of Smooth Coefficient Spatial Autoregressive Models [Online Appendix]

with Y. Sun, Journal of Econometrics, 2017, 199(1): 12-34 [working paper]​


Heterogeneous Credit Union Production Technologies with Endogenous Switching and Correlated Effects 

with D.A. Restrepo-Tobon and S.C. Kumbhakar, Econometric Reviews, 2018, 37(10): 1095-1119 [previously circulated under the title "Are All U.S. Credit Unions Alike? A Generalized Model of Heterogeneous Technologies with Endogenous Switching and Correlated Effects," working paper]


Varying Coefficient Panel Data Model in the Presence of Endogenous Selectivity and Fixed Effects

with S.C. Kumbhakar and Y. Sun, Journal of Econometrics, 2016, 190(2): 233-251 [working paper]


A Generalized Panel Data Switching Regression Model

with S.C. Kumbhakar, Economics Letters, 2014, 124(3): 353-357 [working paper]




Off-Balance Sheet Activities and Scope Economies in U.S. Banking

with J. Zhang, Journal of Banking & Finance, 2022, 141: 106534 [working paper]​


Product and Geographic Market Diversification in U.S. Banking [Online Appendix]

with J. Zhang and V. Hartarska, Finance Research Letters, 2021, 42: 101881 [working paper]


​Economies of Diversification in Microfinance: Evidence from Quantile Estimation on Panel Data

with V. Hartarska and R. Mersland, Finance Research Letters, 2020, 34: 101246 [working paper]​


Endogenous Scope Economies in Microfinance Institutions

with V. Hartarska, Journal of Banking & Finance, 2018, 93: 162-182 [working paper]


​Economies of Diversification in the U.S. Credit Union Sector [Online Appendix]

with S. Zhao and S.C. Kumbhakar, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2017, 32(7): 1329-1347 [working paper]​


Estimation of Banking Technology under Credit Uncertainty  

with D.A. Restrepo-Tobon and S.C. Kumbhakar, Empirical Economics, 2015, 49(1): 185-211 [working paper]




Endogenous Dynamic Efficiency in the Intertemporal Optimization Models of Firm Behavior

with E.G. Tsionas and S.C. Kumbhakar​, European Journal of Operational Research, 2020, 284(1): 313-324 [working paper]


​​​​​​​​An Internally Consistent Approach to the Estimation of Market Power and Cost Efficiency with an Application to U.S. Banking

with E.G. Tsionas and S.C. Kumbhakar, European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 270(2): 747-760 [working paper]


A Hedonic Output Index based Approach to Modeling Polluting Technologies

with R. Bokusheva and S.C. Kumbhakar, Empirical Economics, 2018, 54(1):  287-308 [working paper]


​A Cost System Approach to the Stochastic Directional Technology Distance Function with Undesirable Outputs: The Case of U.S. Banks in 2001-2010

with S.C. Kumbhakar and E.G. Tsionas, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2016, 31(7): 1407-1429 [working paper]


​​​Estimation of Input Distance Functions: A System Approach

with E.G. Tsionas & S.C. Kumbhakar, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2015, 97(5): 1478-1493 [working paper]


Bayesian Approach to Disentangling Technical and Environmental Productivity

with S.C. Kumbhakar and E.G. Tsionas, Econometrics, 2015, 3(2): 443-465 [working paper]




​​Crop Insurance Premium Subsidy and Irrigation Water Withdrawals in the Western United States

with P. Ghosh and R. Miao, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, 2023, 48: 968-992


​​Nonparametric Estimates of the Clean and Dirty Energy Substitutability

with K. Sun and S.C. Kumbhakar, Economics Letters, 2018, 168: 118-122 [working paper]​


Dynamic Responses to Oil Price Shocks: Conditional vs. Unconditional (A)symmetry [Online Appendix]

Economics Letters, 2016, 139: 31-35 [working paper]


How People Think about Distributing Aid

with N. Hassoun and N. Lubchenco, Philosophical Psychology, 2016, 29(7): 1029-1044​​​​


A Second Look at Sticky Wholesale Gasoline Prices

Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 2011, 36(3): 227-235



Firm Productivity, Heterogeneity and Exports

2017 mimeo (last revised 2020)


A Proportional Scale-Invariant Measurement of Heterogeneous Directional Distances to the Frontier

with E.G. Tsionas and D.A. Restrepo-Tobon, 2017 mimeo


Are the Job Flow Responses to Oil Price Shocks Asymmetric? [Appendix

2012 mimeo (last revised 2015)​​




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